How to find the cheapest flights from Nanaimo Airport (YCD) to Harry Reid Airport (formerly McCarran Airport) (LAS)
The lowest price we've seen for a one-way ticket from Nanaimo Airport to Harry Reid Airport (formerly McCarran Airport) is $132. For a return flight on this route, the best price is $233. Depending on the availability and when you book, these fares can change.
Don't wait until the last minute. You're more likely to get cheap tickets from YCD to LAS if you book ahead. Airlines often have some fantastic early bird deals.
If you're willing to be flexible with your travel plans, try using the 'Whole month' search function. It'll give you the lowest price across every month when searching for a ticket from Nanaimo Airport to Harry Reid Airport (formerly McCarran Airport).
Create a Price Alert for cheap tickets from YCD to LAS. There's no need to check every day to find out if prices have dropped. We'll tell you when there's a change in price.
Tailor your trip using filters. Choose your ideal departure and arrival times, airlines and total journey duration. You can also sort the results by 'Fastest,' 'Best' or 'Cheapest' flights from Nanaimo Airport to Harry Reid Airport (formerly McCarran Airport).
Handy information about Nanaimo Airport (YCD)
Nanaimo Airport is about 18 kilometers from central Nanaimo. If you're ride-sharing, catching a cab or driving from the center, it'll take 21 minutes or so to get there, depending on traffic conditions. If you're using public transport, expect the trip time to be approximately 1 hour and 19 minutes.
If you've booked an early flight from Nanaimo Airport to Harry Reid Airport (formerly McCarran Airport), why not stay close by? Avoid the hassle of rushing to the airport (and get some extra shut-eye) at Microtel Inn & Suites by Wyndham Oyster Bay Ladysmith. Kiwi Cove Lodge is another convenient accommodation option near YCD.
Arriving at Harry Reid Airport (formerly McCarran Airport) (LAS)
Reserve a hotel near LAS if you have a late flight from Nanaimo Airport to Harry Reid Airport (formerly McCarran Airport). Select one of these accommodation options and avoid the hassle of a long transfer:
Getting from Harry Reid Airport (formerly McCarran Airport) (LAS) to central Las Vegas
Harry Reid Airport (formerly McCarran Airport) to the center of Las Vegas takes about 15 minutes by car. It's approximately 19 kilometers away. Find out what options are available, such as car rentals, cabs or ride-sharing.
It'll take around 1 hour if you're using public transport.
When to fly to Harry Reid Airport (formerly McCarran Airport) (LAS)
October is the busiest month for flights from Nanaimo Airport to Harry Reid Airport (formerly McCarran Airport). To avoid the crowds, head to Las Vegas in May.
Lock in your flight from Nanaimo Airport to Harry Reid Airport (formerly McCarran Airport) for July if you'd like to go to Las Vegas during its warmest month. Expect temperatures of between 23ºC and 42ºC.
Look for cheap tickets from YCD to LAS in January if you want to travel in cooler conditions. Temperatures are at their lowest then, ranging between -1ºC and 13ºC on average.
More about Las Vegas
If you're looking for somewhere to lay your head, you'll find the top stays in Las Vegas right here. Browse these options as soon as you've locked in your flight from YCD to LAS:
Every great vacation has to include some sightseeing. Las Vegas Strip, Fountains of Bellagio and Fremont Street Experience are must-visits when exploring Las Vegas.
Complete your Las Vegas trip with hotels and a car rental
Once you've secured your cheap ticket to Harry Reid Airport (formerly McCarran Airport), explore our low prices and exclusive rates for hotels. You can also compare a range of car rental companies in one go to find the best car rental price for your Las Vegas vacation.